How We Work In Signature Home:

When you visit one of our showrooms, we start our work by taking the time to learn about your storage and lifestyle needs, then we use that information to design and build the perfect solution.

1- Visit:

The process begins with a visit by one of our designers to your home for a complimentary design consultation at a time that is convenient for you. Our designers will measure your space, itemize your belongings and will share with you the materials, colors, options and design features.

3- Details:

We review the design with you, make necessary adjustments and decide on any final details and touched. We know how important it is to maximize every bit of space, including unusual difficult areas. Once your designs are finalized, we help you to choose an Installation date. Most installations are scheduled it’s usually in one month to 45 days.

5- installation:

On the installation date, our professional team will show up at your home and begin the closet installation process. Their goal is to provide you with excellent service and value.

How we exactly work?

2- Design:

We will use the space measurements and all the other information you provide to our designers to develop the Items design that is uniquely tailored to your needs, using our expertise and cutting-edge technology.

4- production:

Using our state-of-the-art manufacturing machinery, we produce your custom-designed solution in our factories using the finest materials, hardware and accessories.


After completion of the installation, our inspectors will visit your site to make sure that everything we delivered meets our standards and exceeds your expectations.